Is AI Content Bad for SEO?

Is AI Content Bad for SEO?

AI (Artificial intelligence) has been very popular nowadays and most internet users are free to use it. AI is especially a favorite tool for content creators. You can create content within seconds and publish it without any effort.

But, as we all know AI is super easy to use, does it harm your SEO? Let’s talk about the impact of AI on SEO quality and ranking factors.

How Does AI Content Impact SEO Strategies?

First, you need to understand AI. It has a unique language and you need to learn it to communicate. Afterward, you can create SEO content strategies to increase your organic traffic. But remember; AI content has multiple advantages and of course disadvantages. Let’s examine them first:

Advantages of AI Content

  • With AI you can rich multiple sources within seconds. It makes your content more rich and valuable.
  • You don’t have to spend hours creating content. It happens just in a second!
  • AI provides suggestions according to your content and helps you move more widely.

Disadvantages of AI Content

  • Since AI gets the data from the internet, you may create disinformation with your content.
  • It is evolving but the writing language is not as organic as a human being.
  • Someone else may use the same content as you did because millions of people are using the same source.

Will Google penalize me for using AI content?

Before we ask this question let’s ask another one which will lead us to the right answers.”What does Google want from content?” The answer is: Quality. 

We need to create quality and valuable content for users. every content that ranks first on search results, includes unique and valuable information. Users are clicking to learn, not just for fun. And that’s what Google cares about.

So, if we go back to the first question, I think the answer is clear. Google will not penalize your AI content unless it’s irrelevant and worthless. 

You can create content with AI as long as you want. But be careful. Do not create spam content, and break the rules! Otherwise, Google and all other search engines will penalize your website and it will be hard to rank first again.

How to Use AI for Content Creation?

If you feel relieved about AI content, let’s talk about how to create it. The steps are simple. As I said before, try to understand the language and logic. With the below steps, you can create your AI-generated and SEO-friendly content.

  • First focus on your keywords. Before starting writing explain your keywords, subtitles, and purpose to AI.
  • Then, add your content title and explain what you are waiting for.
  • After finishing your content, read it and if there is something wrong, explain the error and start to generate again. It will fix it and prepare you for new content.

Bonus Tip!

You can check your AI content with plagiarism tools to see if it’s unique. It will increase the quality of your content.

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